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December, 2007:
Story of a new upcoming, ground-breaking design and viual communication company NDesign in Denmark.


"I couldn't find easy and simple way to achieve my goals, but Success Story Company is changing meaning of web, making things simple and easy to access!"

-Robin Briars, UK

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-Mandy Craig, Pennsylvania

"I am very amazed with your innovative approach and new concept development in Success web niche"

-David Westfield, LA


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Version: 2.0
(July, 2007)

"Your way to quality design"


Design implies a conscious effort to create something that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For example, a graphic artist may design an advertisement poster. This person's job is to communicate the advertisement message (functional aspect) and to make it look good. The distinction between pure and applied arts is not completely clear, but one may consider paintings as an example of pure art. One may assume his art does not convey a message based on the obvious differences between an advertisement poster and the mere possibility of an abstract message painting. There is other ways to express your art!

The Danish Advertisement agency NDesign has made some revolutionary design, and web sites for its clients that today might be seen as Art!

NDesign has chosen to bring designing to different level. They are simply designing with narration, music and films, to express variations of moods. We quote the owner of NDesign Mehrdad Niro Niromand. “It’s simple NDesign wishes to make communication easier to understand and much funnier to use! And the way we know that it can be done is by giving the visitor the opportunity to see and hear instead of reading a block of content.”

Now NDesign are good at what they are doing! Their way of easy communicating, is one of their core values and services. Talking with images is one of the things NDesign focuses on. Take a moment and visit their site you can see how they are using minimal text and the images is taking over the talking. Image that expresses a mood, a situation, a story. Witch reminds me of the phenomenon storytelling! NDesign has mastered the definition of storytelling with use of images.

Moreover, they are a team of creative international designers, programmers and creative thinkers, as they like to call them selves and each from different parts of the world and with different views, and with each of there own specializations in. Graphic design, Audiovisual design, Film And Photography.

The remarkable part of it all is that this Danish Agency NDesign has quickly established an amazing network of satisfied clientele from Asia, USA, Europe and Australia, so it is almost a network that stretches over the whole world.

In the next edition of How Did They Do It! NDesign will reveal some of there marketing tricks.

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